
In the 'Files' module the user is able to share files or links that are relevant and important for the whole group, e.g., documents to which the whole group contributes or articles to be shared. This module may also be used as a repository of software code. The user can share files by uploading them to the server or setting a link which leads to the file - such as on your local computer.

In the opening screen of the Files module, the available files and links are displayed along with other details such as comments made by the users, the category, the upload date and the file size.
By clicking on the file name the user can download the file or open the link.
The user can sort the list by clicking on a column header.
The "Filter" field at the top of the screen is used to find a particular file or link. The "open" and "close" buttons expand and collapse the entire folder tree.

Edit and Create
A user can delete his own files by clicking on the red button or edit the additional information or organize the virtual folder system by clicking on the blue button. A green button indicates that the user has only read access to this file or link.
To insert a new file or link, the user must click on "New" which is found in the upper left side of the screen. The file upload screen appears. The user must specify the path and filename, insert a category and may add a remark or comment.
To create a link, the user must click on 'link'. In the field "Name" type the name of the link to display in the list. In the field "name and network path" type the address, other computers in the network must use for connecting to the file via browser.
Example for MS-Windows network:
computername/sharename/foldername/filename.ext; computername can also be an IP-adress. For Windows network shares, folders are required. Make sure that the share grants read access to all concerned people. Foldernames are used, if the file is not located in the shared folder "sharename" but in a subfolder "foldername" below. Since regular compuers sharing data on a LAN are not http servers, PHProjekt will add the prefix "file:/" to your entry. By using a protocol prefix (like http://...) yourself you can override this feature.
If you select the checkbox 'overwrite' you can overwrite files with the same name. Otherwise you get a warning. With the access-radiobuttons you can restrict the access to the file: only you, the whole group or some members may have privileges for the same.
Finally click on the upload button to send the new file or link to the server.

Attention: The files with extensions like .html, .txt, .gif or .jpg will be displayed directly instead of allowing you to download them. In this case you can right mouse click and choose "save as" or "save target as".

You can use the keyword search found in under the 'Other' tab. The table names, category and remarks are searchable.
